Residential Landscaping

Custom Designed For You

The architecture of your house will greatly influence the garden layout that frames it or so it is supposed to be. The house and the garden need to form a unit complimenting and adding value to each other.

Our design team is well experienced to assist you in creating a beautiful picture and environment to live in. Tuscan/ French/ Balinese/ modern/ indigenous/ oriental/ Mexican/ minimilistic/ country style /feng shui/ contemporary/ tropical are a few styles that we specialize in.

Residential Landscape Solutions We Offer:

  • Themed garden designs
  • Architectural design work
  • Outdoor space/room designs
  • Advise on appropriate finishes
Gardening For Kids

Play and Learn

Gardening is fun and has so much to offer in terms of learning in a playful and creative manner.

Exposing children to nature and the outdoors expands their learning and development environments.

The secret of designing a child-friendly garden lies in the creating a safe environment where all senses can be stimulated for maximum experiences.

Beware of hazardous items and toxic plants in and around the house. Themed gardens are always a hit.

We offer:

  • Nursery school garden designs
  • Primary and high school gardens
  • Child-friendly spaces
  • Specially themed gardens
Roof Top Gardens

Roof top/Balconies

We create lush green gardens on rooftops and balconies.

When space is limited and with the elements often working against your gardening dreams, creative gardening is important.

Create levels and raising planting off the floor through raised boxes or containers are essential in creating a successful living space.

Poor drainage and damping problems are major threats.

The key to a good design is not to clutter the available space.

We offer:

  • Container gardening
  • Roof garden designs
  • Penthouse gardens
  • Drainage solutions
Colour In The Garden

Seasonal Planting

Add seasonal interest in your garden with splashes of colour by planting winter /summer flowering bulbs and annuals.

Colour schemes and planting themes will be carefully planned to ensure the desired income.

Create an instant effect in the garden just before a function with instant colour pots or plan ahead and plant trays of annuals.

Alternatively, perennial flowering plants can be planted to introduce colour in the garden on a more permanent basis.

We offer:

  • Seasonal Changes
  • Summer and winter colour
  • Annual and bulb planting
  • Lasting and perennial colour
Gardening For Wild Life

Wildlife Gardening 

Enjoy a symphony of sounds from birds visiting your garden and be entertained for free by wildlife.

Attract birds and other wildlife to your garden by creating favourable conditions for them to live in (food, water, and a pleasant habitat)

Bring back mother natures balance in your garden by creating your own ecosystem where all living creatures interact with each other.

Plant the right plants to create bee and butterfly friendly gardens.

Indigenous plants are very beneficial in attracting wildlife to your garden.

We offer:

  • Products loved by wildlife
  • Plants to attract wildlife
  • Supply of indigenous plants
  • Wildlife garden designs
Water Wise Gardening

Saving Water

Water is a scare and essential resource and needs to be saved, rising water costs demand that we do not waste it but rather use it wisely.

Planting the right plant in the right area is secret to success.

Selecting less thirsty plants and grouping plants together with similar water requirements will save time, money and the environment.

The reuse of recycled water and rainwater catchment systems linked to a water-wise irrigation system will be very cost effective.

Garden mulches save water!

We offer:

  • Good plant selections
  • Water-wise garden designs
  • Irrigation systems
  • Supply garden mulches
Sustainable Gardening


Caring for the environment and not wasting resources is becoming more popular than ever before.

Recycling and the upcycling of products add new life to items creating unique garden features.

Through the use of multi-purpose plants, it is possible to maximize the benefits from your garden even assisting in pest control.

Permaculture is finding inspiration from Mother Nature and applying these to control pests and to stimulate healthy plant growth while saving the environment.

We offer:

  • Permaculture recycling and upcycling possibilities
  • Plant recommendations
  • Sustainable garden designs
Indigenous Gardens

Endemic and indigenous

Indigenous plants refer to plants that originate from within the borders of South Africa.

These plants are extremely beneficial to our natural fauna.

A myth exists that indigenous plants require less maintenance than exotic (from other countries) plants.

The best plants to use will be plants that are indigenous to specific climatic conditions of the area.

Indigenous and endemic fauna and flora live in harmony with each other. 

We offer:

  • Wide selection of plants
  • Indigenous and endemic gardens
  • Gardening for wildlife
  • South African gardens
Meditation Gardens

Hidden personal spaces

Create a secret area in the garden where you can escape to be by yourself and reflect on life.

Meditation and relaxing areas assist one in escaping momentarily from the rushed life we find ourselves in, enabling us to refocus.

Soothing colours and sounds will enhance this tranquil area.

Surround yourself with objects that have special meaning to you and enjoy your own personal.

Feng shui design principles add harmony and balance.

We offer:

  • Special outdoor rooms
  • Meditation or religious areas
  • Feng shui garden design
  • Areas of tranquillity


Indoor Gardens

Atriums and pot plants

Indoor plants can really make or break a living space. All plants are struggling and delivering the desired effect. Indoor plants grow in unnatural environments and not all plants will survive in situations where the availability of light is restricted.

Atriums often become a cluttered grouping of plants struggling to survive …let alone perform. Simplicity and the beauty of healthy individual plants are key factors in the success of greening your interior with plant material. 

We offer:

  • Atrium garden designs
  • Pot plant recommendations
  • Troubleshooting
  • Supply of indoor plants



We would love to help you with your next project.